Did you miss it?

Hey lovers and wanderlusters,

How’s your week been?

Mine has been super busy but awesome.

I’m going to share some of what been’s happening since we last spoke, and I’d be keen to hear what’s been happening for you xo

Did you catch my interview with the ah-mazing Oliver Kay Photograpy?

We had such a fun time and talked about everything from travel, writing, body positivity and my new album ‘The Wyld Sessions‘ with lots of fun and laughter in between.

Please check out Oliver’s IGTV to watch and enjoy. Please leave a comment on his channel and let us know your thoughts.

The pictures below show some of the topics we discussed, so please check out Oliver’s IGTV to find out the stories behind the pix ๐Ÿ™‚


Another DJ Wyld Hottest Aussie Mix is now up on Mixcloud. I know, I know it’s been like 8 months since my last mix. I will be changing that quick smart and get back into regular mixing, covering all different genres, something for everyone and hopefully introduce you to some new music along the way.

Remember to follow me on Mixcloud, like, share, favourite and comment. Feedback is important for me to know what you are enjoying and what you are not.

Credit: Special FX~ Isaac Marshall

Stay seXy, Stay wYld, Be free

Peace out โ˜ฎ

Samira xo

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ยฉ  Samira Wyld

A Wyld And Untamed Production