One Dollar a Day: A Journey of Resilience & Hope

In the pursuit of financial stability during challenging times, I stumbled upon a documentary that not only caught my attention but also left an indelible mark on my perspective. The film follows the incredible journey of four young men who embark on a daring adventure into rural Guatemala, seeking to unravel the mysteries of survival on just one dollar a day.

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So much to say, but not sure how to say it…

Tomorrow (noun)

a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation and achievement are stored.

So…I’m sitting here procrastinating because I don’t know how to fucking say it!

Bet you never thought you’d find me speechless hahaha. I had all these fancy things I wanted to say and express myself so eloquently, yet here we are, and I’m bastardising the English language with very politically and grammatically incorrect phrasing.

If you are from a Non-English speaking background and still learning English, I suggest you stop reading right NOW!

Continue reading “So much to say, but not sure how to say it…”

New Song, Exclusive BTS, Seductive Stories…

Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart.

Elizabeth Gilbert – BIG MAGIC

Hello darlings,

Here’s a weekly update from what’s been happening over at the Wyld And Untamed HQ.

All kinds of exciting things have been happening from new music, and literature to exclusive content on Patreon. Your engagement, support, and comments mean the world to me, so let’s dive into the latest just in case you missed it!

Continue reading “New Song, Exclusive BTS, Seductive Stories…”

Finding Hope Within The Light Of Darkness Called Home

‘Trembling from the cold,
I knew I was born to be sold,
and the thought of never growing old,
Intensifies the pain
of everything I knew to be insane.’

Samira Wyld | The Innocent
Image: Pinterest

What began as a poem, transitioned into the idea of performing a Spoken Word piece for Youtube, all written and birthed into existence at 4am this morning.

Continue reading “Finding Hope Within The Light Of Darkness Called Home”

Close encounters of the Cosmic kind…

β€˜I saw it as real as I’m seeing you
All colourful lights,
Pretty, glowing and blue’

Samira Wyld

In today’s post I want to share a true story with the intention of sharing an important message with you. Click the video below to hear the message πŸ™‚

Continue reading “Close encounters of the Cosmic kind…”
A Wyld And Untamed Production