Something big is coming…Read on to find out more

Changes in Schedules, Latest News, and Single Release – Get in the Know! 🎢✨

A lot has happened since we last spoke. If you missed the news, you can catch up here.

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Exciting News! NOW on YouTube

Twenty Past Midnight is series of short, dark, and fantastical tales.

If you haven’t heard the awesome series ‘Twenty Past Midnight’ on Spotify

It’s NO DOUBT because you do not have the Premium version of Spotify,


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Dolls… are they a fascination, or an obsession?

‘creeping down dark hallways,
While they, who lay in bed sleeping
Never, almost hear her creeping’

Samira Wyld – (Porcelain Doll)
Cover aRt: A Wyld And Untamed Production (featuring Adele)

Dolls have been the subject of fascination and obsession throughout the centuries. Little girls obsess over playing dress up, or taking care of them as they might when they grow up and become a mother. Is this culture of dolls a part of the priming process of how or what young girls are expected to do when they grow up?

It’s an interesting subject which I might go into in another post, but for now, I will focus on the fascination and/or obsession with dolls, particularly in Hollywood.

Think Chucky…

Dolls are everything from spectacularly beautiful, stick thin obsessive and unrealistic portrayals of young women such as the Barbie, or the subject of something spooky and scary. The horror stories that feature child ghosts in hallways holding a bedraggled teddy bear or a doll.

Continue reading “Dolls… are they a fascination, or an obsession?”

STOP! bring the beat back…jk Important update!

Bring the beat back!

Dance with me!
Let’s go!

Kevin de Vries
Continue reading “STOP! bring the beat back…jk Important update!”

I just wanna cry and eat chocolate…

‘When life gives you lemons…throw them back and ask for CHOCOLATE’

I have been on an online chat with tech support for Telstra for over 3 hours trying to fix my wifi issues.

If anyone can remember my ongoing issues that I had for years with Optus, before I changed to Telstra over a year ago, will understand my frustration. Trying to get anything done online is nothing short of a fucking miracle. Trust me!

Continue reading “I just wanna cry and eat chocolate…”
A Wyld And Untamed Production