Join the Wyld And Untamed with 10 New Subscribers!

Guess what day it is? Wednesday evening, and believe it or not, I’m pining for my blog. Are you feeling the absence too?

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Speech is silver, Silence is Golden

OR is it?

Where to begin….

First up, just want to say thank you for hanging in there and being a valued subscirber. More and regular posts coming your way, however my aim is to keep them often, to the point, and brief. Is that even possible you ask? I know right? I ask myself that all the time LOL

Secondly, how did you enjoy the trailer of 33.3? If you missed it, you can watch it here. It’s just a short video, it will be the first in the series of radio plays in the Twenty Past Midnight channel. Let me know in the comments below.

Now, to the title of this post. I was going to call it ‘WHY I’VE BEEN SILENT ON THE GRAM’ but changed my mind.

The quote ‘Silence is Golden’ is an interesting quote or should I say ‘Speech is silver, Silence is Golden’ which implies that sometimes when we have nothing to say, it’s best to say nothing at all, or when we need to respond, silence in itself is a response, or when we are SILENT we LISTEN. Can you see both words use the same letters?

And then we have Plato’s quote ‘Your silence gives consent’, so just by not speaking up we are agreeing, complying or consenting to whatever it is we are being faced with.

The English language never ceases to amaze me.

And it was this very Plato quote above that got me shadow banned on Instagram. Yep, over 1K views and then immediately pulled down off my feed without explanation despite my incessant messaging every day to find out why.

Instagram say they do not shadow ban, but anyone who has experienced this bizarre behaviour and plummeting views from there on out, and broken accounts, BTW this is my third account that has been broken, and that’s just on instagram, will actually know it’s a real thing.

But I’m not here to bash Instagram. I don’t really care to be honest. If you want to stay connected with me if and when I get deplatformed, like just about everybody these days, then please join my telegram channel. It’s uncensored and freedom of speech still exists, (for now anyway)

Side note: My channel does not encourage fear porn or hate speech. It is a small but growing community of supportive and like minded people,where we share humour, art, politics, and life. I’d love to see you over there (:

Also, remember to join my mailing list for when these platforms go down, or our pages are removed , that way you will still be able to connect with everything I do and be kept up-to-date with all the latest from the Wyld And Untamed. A pop up to subscribe should appear, be sure to sign up. If it’s not working for any reason, then drop me a line here

And to add insult to injury my internet/wifi was taken down on Thursday 3 July and is still down at writing of this post. I have limited data on my phone so still unable to be active on social media, however, I will continue to post here by way of scheduling posts and trust that the interwebs will send it as per the schedule. Yes, these posts have been written in advance, as soon as I knew I wouldn’t be back up anytime soon.

If you can help me out by sharing my post to your socials until my wifi is back up and running, I would truly appreciate it.

You will notice I have some new additions to the website PODCAST |MUSIC + TALK this is where you will be directed to my website that hosts all my Radio Shows where you can listen on Spotify.

AND…some new drop down menus in the POETRY section with relevant categories to the poetry I post, so it’s easier to find what suits your mood (:

AND… VEGAN SKIN CARE + COSMETICS that I have a long standing and loyal relationship with where you can order directly through me hassle and fuss free. Check out the page to learn more.

but wait…..

There’s more LOL See what happens when I’m not on social media! Shock horror… shizz gets done.

Until next time.

With love from my 💜 to yours

Samira xo

Stay seXy, Stay wYld, Be free

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Copyright ©  Samira Wyld 2021

A Wyld And Untamed Production