coming full circle and returning to oneself

I love the friends I have gathered together on this thin raft…

Jim Morrison

This is a bit of a long story, but I want to share it with you because you are important, and what your care about matters to me. What you desire matters to me, so grab a cuppa and settle in, take my hand, and come on a little unknown journey with me…

This all may come as a shock to you, but here I am, 17 years old, sitting on the living room floor surrounded in vinyl, LP’s and 45’s scattered every which way as I delve into what song and what lyrics come next.

What am I doing?

Continue reading “coming full circle and returning to oneself”

Wednesday muselings…

My muselings for Wednesday ponder around the aRt of creating and how under appreciated and valued aRtists are in general.

This is not a sympathy post, this is purely an observation which becomes more and more paramount in the digital age because we can SEE what goes on in social media etc.

Continue reading “Wednesday muselings…”
A Wyld And Untamed Production